Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Google+ hangouts API is rock'n!

Apps in hangouts will be really big, as in hangouts is one of the biggest reasons to even be on Google+ and any wise developer should start working on these apps while everything is still in developer mode.
Follow this link to learn all about the API:

My first question was what would a work app in a hangout do? Reflecting on this I came up with two ideas; Presentations and doc/spreadsheet editing. Sure we have all these collaborative Google tools but the ultimate would be all that + hangouts. This really is my first app that I made after an hour of generally reading through the docs and a little setup so getting up and running is not that difficult. If you built gadgets for Wave, guess what? I think these are the same spec. On with the example where I will demonstrate putting a published spreadsheet into a hangout.

First you need a published presentation and the embed link.

Next write a little gadget xml. Don't worry this is going to be simple for now. Because I am 100% web I used the Google Gadget Editor in my iGoogle page to write and host the code.

The code tags don't seem to be working so here is a link:

Not much to that, save and get the url.

Now head over to
and follow the "Register Your App instructions."

That was about all there was to it.

Where to go next,
Changing slides does not change for the other viewers in the hangout so that needs a fix. The next part would be running through OAuth so the presentation does not need to be published and for ease of use some gadget properties to set the url, maybe even a chooser for the docs-list.

Hello Google+ APIs

The Google+ APIs are out and with a plethora of info on the new Google+ Platform site. At last developers will be able to start spinning of new extensions, games and useful stuff we hope...

On this blog we will be looking for new apps and other G+ things, and bringing you the good stuff all here in one place. Please enjoy!